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Chiropractic Functional Wellness
Find the root cause of your health challenges through this holistic approach to wellbeing

In today’s world, pain, inflammation, brain fog, anxiety, and sleep issues are more common than ever, interfering with our lives and preventing us from reaching our lifestyle goals. Many patients struggle for years to find out why their health is not functioning properly and how to address it. But through Chiropractic Functional Wellness, it’s possible to increase quality of life and overcome these complex health concerns, naturally and effectively. 


Chiropractic Functional Wellness is a patient-centered, science-based approach to maintaining optimal health and wellness. Using a systems biology approach, practitioners look at the root cause of your health concerns rather than simply treating your symptoms. The approach promotes wellness by focusing on your personal genetic and biochemical uniqueness and provides individualized recommendations to restore optimal health. 


The vast majority of health challenges are caused by oxidative stress or chronic inflammation. If these are present in your body and persist for too long, they can begin to cause organ dysfunction and break down healthy tissues. Once this happens, it opens the door for a wide variety of conditions to develop, including irritable bowel syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, hypothyroidism, celiac disease, cardiovascular disease, hormonal imbalances, and type 2 diabetes. 


Through a Chiropractic Functional Wellness Consultation and Exam, your practitioner will look at the multitude of factors that make up the big picture of your health— from your hormones and endocrine function, blood labs, diagnostic test results, nervous system, and musculoskeletal system to your energy systems and oxidative stress, immune function, gastrointestinal status, and detoxification pathways. After thoroughly evaluating each aspect of your well-being, your practitioner can make an informed assessment of the root causes and determine how to treat them with diet, lifestyle factors, and nutrition.


In short, Chiropractic Functional Wellness is a holistic approach to wellbeing that can get to the bottom of your health concerns and help you feel your best.


Curious about how Chiropractic Functional Wellness could improve your life? Book a complimentary 15-minute consultation to find out.  

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